Looking Back

This wonderful CD by violinist Sian Philipps includes my ‘Looking Back’. It has just been enthusiastically reviewed by Jonathan Woolf in MusicWebInternational: “Looking Back is an Orphean piece inspired by the backward glance of the mythical...

Bow Bop

BoBop is a 5 minute showpiece for solo violin in Bebop style. Recorded by Thom Gould on his Bach to Parker CD, it has been played many times and most recently in two performances in Brighton by Ellie Blackshaw. A version for viola has been performed in the UK by Yuko...

Shadows to Light

Violinist Siân Philipps has just released her new CD ‘From Shadows to Light’ which I’m delighted to say includes my ‘Looking Back’. The CD includes music by Grace Williams, Paul Ladmirault, Vaughan Williams, Sally Beamish and Egon...

Seeking Harmony

The ‘Seeking Harmony’ recital by pianist and composer Julian Broughton on 24 March at 4pm at the Christian Community, Forest Row will include my ‘Escape’ for piano which was one of three pieces commissioned last year in aid of the ’Freedom from Torture’...


Beginning my 75th year, there will be a concert on 13 January given by Musicians of All Saints at All Saints, Lewes including my ‘Threnody’ for string orchestra written 50 years ago!